Solida table – Flou/Natevo

The collection Solida designed by Matteo Nunziati for Natevo, a young brand that already makes history among the best Italian Design firms, was inspired by German Rationalism from the School of Bauhaus, in which function and clean lines are transformed into beauty and elegance. The common denominators in all of the pieces are the clean, decisive, straight lines. It could be described as a sort of geometric framework declined with bookcases, tables, storage units, armchairs, beds, wardrobes. The light fittings are positioned inside the pipes: the final effect is the delightful contrast between the shape of the item and the gentle embrace of indirect light. I used traditional and sophisticated materials: aluminum, wood and marble. Integrating light in the pieces of the furniture consents the elimination most of the classical fittings, associated with expensive and complicated installations (channels for the cables, electricity network, masonry work on the ceilings and walls). The pieces of Natevo furniture are extremely easy to position; the plug is simply connected to the socket and this produces extraordinary esthetic and illumination technology effects’.